Updates and Reminders...
- Homework packet feedback was due at the end of last week for all electives and World History teachers. If you have not sent in the feedback please get that back to me ASAP.
- We are going to delay the second round of homework packets until after our Department Meeting on October 6th
- On October 6th all students will be writing an open response in 10th grade, and an SAT essay for 11th and 12th grades. These will be emailed to you the week before. We will run Test Wiz for the responses to get quick feedback and results.
- Reminders
- The readers are only suggested materials for US I & US II. It is not the required text. If you feel there are better materials that fit the needs of your students please feel free to utilize those.
- I have purchased a copy of an ELL text that is written in a graphic novel form for students. If you would like access to that text please let me know and I can send you a copy of the book electronically.
- All students should have been introduced to the essential question for the semester at this point, and the sub-essential questions for the quarter. These will be the focus for our assessments so it is important students have a deep understanding of the question itself.
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