History Department gets Data Wise
This coming school year the LHS History Department will be utilizing the Data Wise Improvement Plan to focus on literacy in the new thematic curriculum. Teachers will be meeting 6 times throughout the year to examine student work and apply new instructional strategies to improve student achievement in a teacher-selected learner-centered problem. This work will begin October 6th during period 1 where teachers will be grouped by content area and examine MCAS and SAT data for Lawrence High School to determine where students need to improve. Teachers will then create SMART goals to guide their work for the year.
History Department Chair Ryan Souliotis and PFA History teacher Kaitlin Torossian attended the Harvard Data Wise Institute along with Headmaster Michael Fiato, HHS Principal Paul Neal, HHS Assistant Principal Adam Johnson and Dean of Assessment Nicole St. Clair in June 2015. While there the group learned more about integrating data into daily practices of the high school, improving
our meetings, and how to present data in a meaningful way to teachers. Data Wise is a nationally recognized program that has helped hundreds of schools across the country in their improvement processes.
Below please find the calendar as well as the content area groups teachers will be participating in:
History Department Meeting Schedule 2015-2016
October 6, 2015 8:00-9:30
November 9, 2015 2:55-4:00
February 1, 2016 2:55-4:00
March 8, 2016 8:00-9:30
April 25, 2016 2:55-4:00
May 3, 2016 8:00-9:30
Content Area Groups
US History I
Brenna Chalifour
Bryan Ibbitson
Andy Minihan
Michelle Gilman-Verzi
Andy Della Croce
US History II
Nicole Toothaker
Stephanie Montes
Kaitlin Torossian
Jerry Hayes
Michael Carpenito
Jonathan Cogswell
World History/Electives
Nick Beauchamp
Heath Churchill
Andrew Fonseca
Frank McLaughlin
Amanda Drugan
Lenny Provost
Emily Manning
Mel Berger
Rita Knowlton